About On The Table

On The Table is a card deck that helps people express their physical desires and boundaries with new and existing sexual partners. It gives people a fun and interactive way to talk about sex. The co-founder’s vision is to create a world where people feel more liberated and empathized with on their evolving sexual journey.

The Project

In partnership with Sarah, the co-founder, I helped take an idea all the way to prototype. We worked on the brand strategy to get clear on the positioning and messaging of the product, and moved into developing the visual branding, and finally I designed the illustrations for their first prototype which was first debuted in a college classroom setting.

Logo credit goes to Anika who I brought onto the team as a talented logo designer.

Project Scope

Brand Strategy + Positioning

Visual Branding

Custom Digital Illustrations

Marketing Collateral

Card Deck Prototype




Social + Digital Strategy Clients